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Developing cutting-edge technologies and products for healthy beauty


■ Collagenesis-Enabled Solubilized Active Biodegradable Polymer Technology
- enables the generation of collagen in the skin without the use of particle

- makes possible application into any dermal layer and allows mixing with other functional active ingredients.

■ Biostimulation-Enabled Rejuvenating Absorbable Thread Technology

- enables two combined actions, lifting and regenerating
- allows creation of innovative biodegradable biocompatible materials to restore volume longer and tighten the skin stronger
- enables the delivery of functional molecules into the dermal layers more efficiently

■ Smart Drug Delivery System Technology

- improves targeting of active ingredients into specific organs or tissues
- enhances solubility of hydrophobic active ingredients and stability in the aqueous phase
- protects active ingredients from endogenous proteases and peptidases

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Address : 10F #233, Cheongdam Building, 704,

Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Tel: +82 1075935493 l Email: / 

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